lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015



1. She ___ a book today.
a- Reading
b- Reads
c- Read

2. He ___ coffee today.
a- Drink
b- Drinking
c- Drinks

3. We ___ a book today.
a- Write
b- Writing
c- Writes

4. ___ They speak German today?
a- Did
b- Didn't
c- Does

5. She swim in the pool ___
a- Today
b- Yesterday
c- Last year

6. It __ every day.
a- Rain
b- Rains
c- Raining

7. ___ He fly by late.
a- Did
b- Does
c- Don't

8. I ___ a cartoon today.
a- Draw
b- Drawing
c- Draws

9. They ___ a car today.
a- Drive
b- Driving
c- Drove

10. It ___ play soccer today.
a- Do
b- Doesn't
c- Does


1. She ___ in the pool yesterday.
a- Swam
b- Swim
c- Swaming

2. He ___ in the school yesterday.
a- Work
b- Worked
c- Working

3. They drank coffee ___
a- Today
b- Yesterday
c- Every day

4.  I ___ a house yesteday.
a- Built
b- Builted
c- Building

5. He ___ close the window.
a- Don't
b- Doesn't
c- Didn't

6. ___ She arrive on time?
a- Did
b- Do
c- Does

7. She ___ water yesterday.
a- Drinks
b- Drank
c- Drinking

8. He ___ a pizza yesterday.
a- Eat
b- Eating
c- Ate

9. ___ I speak Spanish yesterday.
a- Was
b- Did
c- Are

10. They ___ walk care yesterday.
a- Doesn't
b- Did
c- Didn't


1.  I ___ drinking water now.
a- Was
b- Am
c- Are

2. She ___ seding a message.
a- She is
b- Is she
c- She isn't

3. She __ a cartoon now.
a- Drawing
b- Draw
c- Drew

4. ___ Watching sport programs now
a- I am
b- Am I
c- I'm not

5. We ___ the friend now.
a- Spok
b- Speak
c- Speaking

6. ___ eating hamburgers now.
a- You aren't
b- You are
c- Are you

7. I am ___ coffee today.
a- Drink
b- Drinking
c- Drinks

8. ___ seding a message now.
a- She isn't
b- Is she
c- She is

9. You ___ eating hamburgers now.
a- You are
b- Aren't
c- Are

10. They ___ a milk today.
a- Drinks
b- Driking
c- Drink


1. ___ drawing a cartoon yesterday.
a- She was
b- Was she
c- She wasn't

2. ___ drinking milk last week.
a- It was
b- It wasn't
c- Was it

3. It was ___ milk last month.
a- Drinking
b- Drink
c- Drinks

4. She was ___ a cartoon yesterday.
a- Draw
b- Draws
c- Drawing

5. ___ working last year.
a- Was it
b- It was
c- It wasn't

6. He was ___ english last month.
a- Speaks
b- Speaking
c- Speak

7. It was ___ last week.
a- Work
b- Works
c- Working

8. ___ speaking English yesterday.
a- She was
b- Wasn't she
c- Was she

9.  He ___ a book in the class room yesterday.
a- Read
b- Reading
c- Reads

10. They ___ in the pool last month.
a- Swim
b- Swiming
c- Swims